Sunday, 23 December 2012

How to Prepare for a Anniversary / Monthsary Valentines and Birthday

1.) Money - You will always need money I know that most of you already know that..., Even I know that I always make sure that monthly I always have P1,000 and that always involves me not eating well not literary just buying cheaper food like eating only biscuits/chips and water that's what I literary eat but don't tell my girlfriend cause I know that she will be worried at me so don't.... anyway it depends on how much you need when you two are in a date...., like Transportation/Commute, Movies, Restaurant/Fast-food, Gift/s(if you think its necessary)...

2.) Gifts - You will always need this especially if you are really REALLY..!! serious about your relationship with her and..., it really shows that you are willing to do everything and give everything for her and on how much you really love her and that you still love her no matter how long the time has passed between the two of you in your relationship..., some might think that it is stupid and I don't blame them if they can't buy gifts to their girlfriend monthly well I don't blame them I know that I can't cause every monthsary we just go out on a date and she tells me that that is enough for her even if I can't go all out spending and I’m just a normal college student with low allowance..., but it still depends upon to your style on how you going to do it.

3.) Cook - If you don't have money to go out into a restaurant and you can cook then just cook for her and prepare a romantic meal.., you can even find recipes online that you think is perfect and romantic and if you can after the meal you can give her the flowers and gifts to make it more romantic and special.


Cream mushroom soup:
8 ounces fresh mushrooms, cleaned and chopped
6 tablespoons butter
2/3 cup flour
2 quarts stock (chicken, beef or vegetable)
1 cup half-and-half cream or 1 cup milk

Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta:
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into thin strips
4 ounces linguine, cooked al dente
2 teaspoons cajun seasoning (your recipe, Cajun Seasoning Mix or store-bought)
2 tablespoons butter
1 thinly sliced green onion
1 -2 cup heavy whipping cream
2 tablespoons chopped sun-dried tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon dried basil
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

Strawberries and Cream:
1 Quart fresh strawberries, hulled and chopped
1 cup white sugar
2 cups sour cream

for more recipes you can go to

But hey it really just depends on how you're going to prepare for a special occasion just for her be creative in a romantic way don't be scared if you'll failed cause if she sees you doing your very best to make that day very special she will understand be really happy cause your doing your VERY BEST...!! It may not end up being very perfect the only very important thing even for me is just to see smile the whole day..., you know what I mean seeing the cute smile that you loved so much to see in your everyday life even before you to were seeing each other =) that is just enough for me nothing more nothing less.

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Do's and Don'ts in a Relationship

1.) Fighting - NO FIGHTING...!!! This is one of the things that destroy relationships I don't even know why couples fight during in their relationships...?? Well I know why but still why..?? But of course if you think that your partner is being suspicious don't fight her ask her what’s going on and ask her to say the truth in a calm way not in a ANGRY WAY..!! Which this connects into number 2...

2.) Trust - HAVE TRUST with your partner what’s the point of being with a relationship with your partner if you don't even trust each other RIGHT...?? that's the only main reason why you have a relationship with each other Right..?? You trust each other and you entrust yourself with your partner RIGHT..?? JUST DON'T JUMP INTO CONCLUSIONS...!!!!

3.) Anniversary /Monthsary and Birthday - DO NOT FORGET those important days if you forget there can only be two reasons why... it can be because you are to busy that you forgot which is exceptional or maybe because days past by and you forgot... if that ever happened maybe it is because you are getting bored with your partner and that is the time you ask yourself if you still love your partner..?? DO YOU..??


Saturday, 22 December 2012

Single: Confessing your feelings

1.) Letter - This is just one of the most basic things that you can do it is like a well... let’s just say it is a high school tradition or classic... Why is that..?? Anyone who has been through high school experienced on confessing their feelings to their crush/es through a love letter am I wrong...?? Especially if you are a shy person RIGHT...!?!? I know I am a shy person and I confessed my feelings to my crush through a letter and which is my girlfriend right now..., And a thing or two most girls find it romantic on guys who write love letters especially if you really put your EFFORT in it when I say EFFORT I MEAN IT....!!! EFFORT....!!! NOT simply writing it in a PEACE OF PAPER..!! That’s a big NO..!! YOU DON'T DO THAT...!! It is like writing a very beautiful valentines letter with all your love and feelings in it.

2.) Words - This is the same with letters but instead of writing it you prefer to say it through words... this is perfect for people who cannot write letters properly you know for does who can’t put words together and ended up not knowing what they wrote. So this is perfect for those who have confidence in speaking.
3.) Internet/Cellphone - Right now many people are confessing to their crush/es using Internet/Cellphone this is the same as confessing through Letters and Words only by not facing them, I don't really know what to say about this one... but the only thing good about this is that you will have no wrong spelling and that's it I guess...??

Anyway just pick whatever you think is the best whichever way you choose it there is only one answer and that it is either YES/NO.

Oh... and one other thing before you confess to someone you MUST know SOMETHING...!! About him/her or at least that person should be your friend because if you don't know the person and you ended up confessing to that person they ended up saying.... I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T WE’RE NOT CLOSE I DON'T EVEN KNOW A THING OR TWO ABOUT YOU SORRY.... BUT WE CAN STILL BE FRIENDS................ RIGHT..?? That’s what they ended up saying so....


Just remember this and you will not fail and if you did then maybe that person is not really interested in you and both of you are not really meant to be and anyway its his/her LOST...!!

Oh... And another thing I almost forgot this is for the girls. If you don't know that person or your crush the one we talked about earlier of not being close and then that person said YES to you 2 things might happened

1.) That person might be interested in you even if you two are not close and he will try to get to know you and when you two know each other already there is a 50% chance that he will break up with you or be with you.

2.) This is the dangerous one... he will say yes but not because he is interested in you but because he is interested only in your body... If you are a beautiful woman and when you confessed to that guy make sure that he is making eye contact with you and not looking at certain parts of your body... JUST MAKE SURE HE IS MAKING EYE CONTACT NOT BODY CONTACT.......!!!!!!!!!!

The same goes for us guys she might just think that you are just handsome and sexy so she will use you both your MONEY AND BODY...!!!! Well MOSTLY MONEY....!! I'm sorry if I have offended some girls but its the TRUTH and I know that from experience.. If a girl knows that you are crazy for her she might end up USING YOU..!! But it depends upon the attitude of the girl her self.., And you hardly find people in the internet saying the things that I am saying now but it really is the truth I'm sorry but it really is... SORRY = (

Anyway that's life you live, love, and learn... just like what others say live your life to the fullest and fall in love be inspired and learn from the mistakes that you make... AND LEARN WHAT LOVE REALLY IS..!!


Hi my name is Vincent Paolo Bernardo I live in Metro Manila, Pasig City in the Philippines I ‘am 17 years old 1st Yr. college in Bachelor of Science in Information Technology in S.T.I. College Shaw, This is my first time writing my own blog so please bear with me.

Anyway I ‘am here to help you guys about on how to have a relationship, and to maintain a relationship so I know that I ‘am still young to write about this but I feel like I need to because.... let’s just say I have been through a lot when it comes into a relationship and I may know a thing or two on what and not to do.

If any of you needs help and has questions on how you're goanna do things or what you should do you can add me on facebook: my email add is